Annual Diocesan Appeal 2017

Annual Diocesan Appeal

Santa Clara, CA
January 1, 2017

Dear Parishioners, Pilgrims and Friends of Our Lady of Peace,

I greet you all wishing you the peace and joy that the Incarnate Word brought to this world.

The Holy Father has recently written:

“A people who are holy, however, who have Jesus as their King, are called to follow his way of tangible love. They are called to ask themselves, each one each day: “What does love ask of me, where is it urging me to go? What answer am I giving Jesus with my life?” (Pope Francis, Homily at Close of the Year of Mercy, 11-20-2016)

As you know Our Lady of Peace Parish and Shrine has a long-standing tradition of proclaiming God’s love in
tangible ways, extending God’s mercy not only for our brothers and sisters in need but for the many needs of
our Parish as well. I am, indeed, deeply grateful for your edifying Christian witness to fraternal charity.

Once again we are given this year the opportunity to experience God’s mercy by contributing to the Annual
Diocesan Appeal. The works of the Diocese supported by the Annual Diocesan Appeal –whose theme is:
Proclaiming God’s Love, Together in Christ – are an effective and tangible means of bearing testimony and
extending God’s love through: quality services and help for youth and adults, seminarians, parishes, religious
education and ministerial formation programs, as well as initiatives to foster respect for life and programs for
the Hispanic community. Thus, your contribution to ADA helps to make visible the preaching of our Lord by
your response of faith in making a generous sacrificial gift according to your possibilities and conditions.

Our goal for this year is $279,901.00.

In order to reach this goal, I encourage each and every family in Our Lady of Peace Parish to take part in this
effort and prayerfully consider pledging slightly more than you pledged last year. If you did not pledge last year,
we ask you to help with your share of our community obligation. Of the thousands of adults who attend Mass
at Our Lady of Peace Church, we are asking for at least 725 of you to pledge $40/month for 10 months. If you
can sacrifice more than the tax-deductible $40/month, we will surely surpass our goal and that surplus will
return to Our Lady of Peace Church ensuring the well-functioning of all of our own programs and more.
Remember that no gift made out of love and inspired by faith is too small.

Let us then contribute to the ADA, as generous instruments of mercy because it was we who first received
mercy from God. Thank you for your generous, sacrificial commitment to our work together in the service of
our Lord. Every dollar counts and is greatly appreciated.

With gratitude, I remain yours in Christ the Incarnate Word,

Fr. Brian Dinkel, IVE
Pastor of Our Lady of Peace Shrin

Additional information on the ADA