
St. Cecilia Choir
Choir for adults and teens
Rehearses Thursday evenings, from 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm, in room 1104, Family Learning Center
Sings at 10 am Sunday mass and for major solemnities and feasts, Pilgrimage to Fatima masses
Learns 4-part (SATB) hymn and polyphonic literature, as well as Gregorian chant
Age 12+

Cherubim Choir
Choir for children and young teens (beginning about age 6—some elementary reading ability a must)
Rehearses Wednesday evenings, from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm, in room 1104, Family Learning Center
Sings at 4 pm Sunday mass (and occasionally joins forces with St. Cecilia Choir at other masses)
Sings unison hymns, the melody line of some Latin motets; learning to read music and sing 2-part harmony
Loretta Ting, assistant director

Spanish Coro
Ensayo: 7:30 pm en cuarto 1104 (Family Learning Center)
Canta en la misa de las 6 pm
Canta himnos, salmos, liturgia en espanol y en latin

Latin cantors/vocal ensemble, director Royston Nguyen
Rehearse in room 1104 (Family Learning Center) by appointment with director
Sing at 8 am livestreamed Sunday mass and on some solemnities
Learn/sing Gregorian chant Propers (introits, antiphons)
Some sight-reading ability, especially some facility with reading neumes (early music notation, aka “square notes”)

Volunteer cantors and organists
Sing/play at weekday and weekend masses
Requires some familiarity with the hymns and mass parts used at OLOP
Organists should be competent keyboard players and sight-readers (ability to pedal not necessary)
Singers need at least some music reading ability
Willingness to commit to at least 1 mass per week, and to be prompt and reliable
May also be asked to sing/play for funeral and nuptial masses (optional)

How to get started:
Sign up today, or email Shawna. 
If you are not already, become a registered parishioner (fill out online form on OLOP website or come into the parish office for a hard-copy form). If you are not already, become a registered volunteer by emailing