Christian Initiation

Christian Initiation at Our Lady of Peace

The Christian Initiation Program at Our Lady of Peace is focused on preparing

  • non-Catholics both Christian and non-Christian,
  • Baptized Catholics who have not completed the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion, and
  • Parents and godparents of children under the age of seven

for their encounter with Christ through the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.

Inquiry – Christian Initiation (RCIA)

If you want to inquire into the Catholic Faith, then Christian Initiation is the process for you. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the primary way the Catholic community accompanies people in their journey of conversion to Christ and welcomes them into the Church. Through the process of RCIA persons enter “into the life of faith, worship, and charity belonging to the people of God.”

An individual begins as an inquirer. During the period of inquiry, a person freely learns about Christ and His teachings in the light of Catholic tradition while discerning whether he or she desires to become a member of the Catholic Church.

We accept Inquirers for the Christian Initiation process year-round. Our Christian Initiation curriculum begins in September each year and ends in May. To learn more about RCIA at Our Lady of Peace, please contact Mother Revelacion in the Adult Religious Education Office.

To register, you will need to complete the Registration for Christian Initiation and Adult Sacrament Preparation form.


If you were baptized in a non-Catholic Christian Community, please submit any form of proof of Baptism at the time of registration. This may be in the form of a certificate, a letter, or a copy of the baptismal registry that has your name and Baptismal date and the name of the Christian Community on it. If the Christian Community no longer exists, then you may register without this information. Please submit a copy of your Birth Certificate at the time of registration as well.

Adult Sacrament Preparation (ASP)

If you were baptized in the Catholic Church, and you wish to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion, then this is the class for you. The process by which persons enter into the life of Christ and His Church is called Christian Initiation. This class prepares baptized Catholic adults to complete their initiation into the body of Christ.

To register, you will need to complete the Registration for Christian Initiation and Adult Sacrament Preparation Form. Upon completion, submit the form to the Parish Office, with an updated copy (within 6 months) of your Baptism Certificate and a copy of your Birth Certificate.

Please submit a Certificate of Baptism at the time of registration. If you do not have a copy of your Baptism Certificate, you may contact the parish where you were baptized and make a request for the parish secretary to send you one. This also includes those who were baptized at Our Lady of Peace Church & Shrine.

In addition to the Adult Sacrament Preparation study materials, you will also need the following:
  • The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2006. Print.
  • New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE), any publisher, March 9, 2011
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano, 1993. Print or ePub file.

Baptism Seminar for Parents and Godparents

Congratulations on the Baptism of your baby! Baptism Seminar helps prepare parents and godparents to bring their child into the life of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism. This preparation is required for all parents and godparents seeking to have their child baptized at Our Lady of Peace. The seminar consists of two class sessions. They are:

  • Session I─ Ceremony of Baptism
  • Session II─ On Christian Living

After you attend the second session, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. This certificate is good for four years for Catholics who have completed the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.

Baptism Seminar for Parents and Godparents
Day English: 3rd and 4th Friday of the Month **except November and December Spanish: 1st and 2nd Friday of the Month
Dates Year Round
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
Room Family Learning Center, Room 1102
Registration Required in Advance. Turn above completed form into Parish Office. One form per person
Fees None
A Certificate of Completion will be given upon Completion of the 2nd Class.
  • You must complete Baptism Seminar prior to receiving your Date of Baptism at Our Lady of Peace Church.
  • You may register in either the Rectory Office or the Adult Religious Education Office for Baptism Seminar. You may also mail in your completed registration form.
  • You may not register over the phone.
  • Complete one registration form for each person who plans to take the class.
  • Fill out the form completely.
  • Arrive on time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be asked to re-register and to repeat the Seminar class at another date.