Natural Family Planning

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Note: Our Lady of Peace Couples must take in classroom courses, not online classes.

Modern Methods of Natural Family Planning (NFP) are versatile and are usable in any stage of a woman’s reproductive life, (regular, irregular cycles, breast feeding etc.) to either achieve or aviod pregnancy. It is based upon the couple’s own knowledge of their naturally occurring cyclic phases of fertility and infertility.

Creighton Model Fertility Care System

In conjunction with the woman’s observations and using evidence-based medicine, Creighton is the most medically advanced method (NaPro) involving one-on-one attention and teaching from a local practitioner who focuses on your needs and your lifestyle. Further medical evaluation by a physician is available for couples with difficulty conceiving or other reproductive problems by making referrals a local family physician or directly to The Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Nebraska.

Instruction includes the Introductory Session and follow-up sessions with typical costs of $35 for materials and $45-55/session.

English/Spanish Practitioner:

Dolores Moreno
Certified Fertility Care Practitioner
Diocese of San Jose Fertility Care

On the Diocesan website you will find the 2017 registration form for Natural Family Planning Introductory Session. The registration fee is $60 per couple.

Couple to Couple League (CCL)
3 Sessions
Cost: Approx. $130

Couples are taught to observe biological signs, including temperature, which signal the approach of ovulation. Session are usually taught in group settings. The Couple is expected to purchase a kit prior to the first session which can be the introductory period. After a time of on Month of charting the couple is expected to return for the second and third sessions to evaluate the charting.

For a list of classes visit