Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Day of Obligation

Mass Schedule:
Vigil Masses on Wednesday, August 14th
5:15pm Mass
6:30pm Mass (Español)
7:30pm Mass

Mass during the Solemnity Day on Thursday, August 15th
6:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:00pm Mass
5:15pm Mass
6:30pm Mass (Español)
8:00pm Mass

Confessions will be available at every Mass except 6:30am Mass

What is a Holy Day of Obligation?

A Holy Day of Obligation is a religious feast day where Catholics are obligated to attend Mass. On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body.

Family needs or important social service can legitimately excuse from the obligation of Sunday rest.

Nativity of Mary & Placing of Petitions into Her Heart

Click Here for Petition Form

You and your loved ones are cordially invited to join us for the Annual Placing of Prayer Petitions into the Heart of Mary outside at the Shrine on Sunday, September 10th after the 10am Sunday Mass.

To participate, please fill out the following form with your prayer petitions, thanksgiving, and/or names for loved ones. You may also include additional 8.5″ x 11″ pages of petitions (one-sided, unstapled, unfolded, and untaped preferred). Please return this to the parish office via collection basket, mail, or in person. Your tax-deductible donations will be utilized by the parish to maintain the Shrine.

Ways to submit petitions:

  • In person to gift shop (only until Sunday, September 3rd)
  • Via collection basket (only until Sunday, September 3rd)
  • In person to the parish office (until Tuesday, September 5th)
  • Via mail (must be delivered by Tuesday, September 5th)

Petition Deadline: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena

Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 3rd – 7pm Rosary, 7:30pm Mass

December 4th – 6:30pm Rosary, 7pm Mass

December 5th – 5:30pm Rosary, 6pm Mass

December 6th – 6:30pm Rosary, 7pm Mass

December 7th – 6:30pm Rosary, 7pm Mass

December 8th – 6:30pm Rosary, 7pm Mass

December 9th – 6:30pm Rosary, 7pm Mass

December 10th – 6:30pm Rosary, 7pm Mass

December 11th – 6:30pm Rosary, 7pm Mass

December 12th – 5am Mañanitas, 6pm Mass

Nativity of Mary Petitions

Ask your Mother in Heaven for Her Intercession

Her request can never be refused, but She obtains whatever she wills.”
—St. Bernard

Click Here or Image below for Petition Form

You and your loved ones are cordially invited to submit your petitions to be placed in Mary’s heart on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To participate, please fill out the following form with your prayer petitions, thanksgiving, and/or names for loved ones. You may also include an additional 8.5″ x 11″ page of petitions (one-sided, unstapled, unfolded, and untaped preferred). You can also send in petitions by emailing (please make sure you specify it is for the Nativity of Mary).

Please return this to the parish office via collection basket, mail, or in person by Tuesday, September 8th. Your tax-deductible donations will be utilized by the parish to maintain the Shrine.

Please write your petitions on the back of the form!

Petition Form Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena

Join us in the month of December while we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a novena of rosaries and Masses.

The Novena

Tuesday, December 3rd
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Wednesday, December 4th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Thursday, December 5th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Friday, December 6th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Saturday, December 7th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Sunday, December 8th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Monday, December 9th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Tuesday, December 10th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Wednesday, December 11th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

The Feast
Thursday, December 12th

5:00am Mañanitas at the shrine in front of the statue
6:00am Holy Mass in Spanish in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe
7:00am Breakfast in the Family Learning Center

6:30pm Holy Mass (Bilingual) in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe
7:30pm Procession with Our Lady of Guadalupe
8:15pm Reception and Festivities in the Family Learning Center

La Novena

Martes 3 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Miercoles 4 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Jueves 5 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Viernes 6 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Sabado 7 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Domingo 8 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Lunes 9 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Martes 10 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Miercoles 11 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

La Fiesta:
Viernes 12 de diciembre

5:00am Mañanitas con Mariachi delante de la Virgen
6:00am Santa Misa en Español en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe
7:00am Desayuno en el Family Learning Center

6:30pm Santa Misa Solemne en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe (bilingüe)
7:30pm Procesion con la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe
8:15pm Recepcion Festivo en el Family Learning Center

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena

Join us in the month of December while we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a novena of rosaries and Masses.

The Novena

Tuesday, December 3rd
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Wednesday, December 4th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Thursday, December 5th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Friday, December 6th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Saturday, December 7th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Sunday, December 8th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Monday, December 9th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Tuesday, December 10th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Wednesday, December 11th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

The Feast
Thursday, December 12th

5:00am Mañanitas at the shrine in front of the statue
6:00am Holy Mass in Spanish in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe
7:00am Breakfast in the Family Learning Center

6:30pm Holy Mass (Bilingual) in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe
7:30pm Procession with Our Lady of Guadalupe
8:15pm Reception and Festivities in the Family Learning Center

La Novena

Martes 3 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Miercoles 4 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Jueves 5 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Viernes 6 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Sabado 7 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Domingo 8 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Lunes 9 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Martes 10 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Miercoles 11 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

La Fiesta:
Viernes 12 de diciembre

5:00am Mañanitas con Mariachi delante de la Virgen
6:00am Santa Misa en Español en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe
7:00am Desayuno en el Family Learning Center

6:30pm Santa Misa Solemne en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe (bilingüe)
7:30pm Procesion con la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe
8:15pm Recepcion Festivo en el Family Learning Center

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena

Join us in the month of December while we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a novena of rosaries and Masses.

The Novena

Tuesday, December 3rd
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Wednesday, December 4th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Thursday, December 5th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Friday, December 6th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Saturday, December 7th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Sunday, December 8th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Monday, December 9th
6pm Recitation of the Rosary
6:30pm Novena Mass

Tuesday, December 10th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

Wednesday, December 11th
8pm Recitation of the Rosary
8:30pm Novena Mass

The Feast
Thursday, December 12th

5:00am Mañanitas at the shrine in front of the statue
6:00am Holy Mass in Spanish in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe
7:00am Breakfast in the Family Learning Center

6:30pm Holy Mass (Bilingual) in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe
7:30pm Procession with Our Lady of Guadalupe
8:15pm Reception and Festivities in the Family Learning Center

La Novena

Martes 3 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Miercoles 4 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Jueves 5 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Viernes 6 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Sabado 7 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Domingo 8 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Lunes 9 de diciembre
6pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
6:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Martes 10 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

Miercoles 11 de diciembre
8pm Rezo del Santo Rosario
8:30pm Santa Misa de la Novena

La Fiesta:
Viernes 12 de diciembre

5:00am Mañanitas con Mariachi delante de la Virgen
6:00am Santa Misa en Español en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe
7:00am Desayuno en el Family Learning Center

6:30pm Santa Misa Solemne en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe (bilingüe)
7:30pm Procesion con la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe
8:15pm Recepcion Festivo en el Family Learning Center