Barbara Wilkinson
Barbara Wilkinson (1935-2020)
You Have Touched So Many Souls
It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of our own Barbara Wilkinson to eternal rest.
On the morning of Tuesday, July 21, 2020, Barbara passed away suddenly at Kaiser Hospital due to heart complications. We do not know the details but we ask you to please pray for the repose of her soul and that her family and MANY friends be consoled and granted strength in this time of need.
We will be streaming the Holy Rosary & Funeral Mass this Thursday, July 30th. The recitation of the Holy Rosary will be at 7pm by Fr. Jonathan Dumlao, IVE, and the celebration of the Holy Mass will be presided by Fr. Brian Dinkel, IVE.
You can access these videos via our website or the following link:
Rosary & Funeral Program (click the image below)
We are sorry we cannot accommodate in-person participation by everyone.
Barbara’s ashes will be interred on Friday, July 31. The private burial rite will be presided over by Father Brian Dinkel, IVE.
To list just a sampling of that in which Barbara has been involved at OLOP: Marriage Preparation, the Sacrament of Marriage, Natural Family Planning, outreach to the needy, facilities maintenance, coordinating Fatima processions; Monday bible study, pilgrimages, and so much more outside the parish.
Of Barbara’s many wonderful qualities, her sense of charity was most prominent as evidenced by her years with the St Vincent De Paul Society and daily devotions. She was a prayer warrior.
Mother Revelacion, Superior of the SSVM Sisters at Our Lady of Peace Church and Shrine, shared the following “We trust she will continue to show her exquisite charity to us from above, doing more good now than ever for those most in need.”
Well said.
Please send memories and photos by email to to add to the tributes on this page. You are also welcome to add to our list of programs in which she was involved.
Donations to St. Vincent de Paul Society in Barbara’s name are most appreciated as she was still very active in assisting those less fortunate in Santa Clara County.
Our Lady of Peace Church
St. Vincent de Paul Society
2800 Mission College Blvd.,
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tributes & Memories
“Barbara was a very special person and she understood my mission and prayed for me constantly in her morning prayers. She told me she did, and we met from time to time to share our work, and our personal stories, so comforting to me. I felt the grace of her constant devotion not only to me and our work, but to everyone who crossed her path. I will truly miss her sage advice and constant devotion to Our Lord Jesus Christ.” “I consider Barbara one of my best friends in Christ, and her words and support for me and our work was indispensable. I could always depend on her for an ear if needed and words of advice. We share a lot of experiences in our lives, and the clarity with which she referenced God’s plan in all was so instructive.” – Michele C.
“She helped us with my niece wedding preparation several years ago. Eternal rest unto her soul, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. And may she rest in peace, Amen” – Cleo M.
“We will always remember her beautiful smile and we will continue to pray for her soul may Rest In Peace. Amén!” – Martínez Family
“Yo la recuerdo a Barbara por el empeño que siempre mostró cuando ayudaba a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul, con una meditación de la Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta, que dice así ‘Al final de nuestras vidas no nos pedirán títulos ni diplomas, o el dinero que hayamos ganado, o las grandes obras que hayamos hecho. No nos juzgaran por los pocos o muchos hambrientos que hayamos alimentado, por los desnudos que hayamos vestido, por los sin techo que hayamos acogido: Hambrientos no solo de pan, sino de amor. Desnudos no solo de vestido, sino de dignidad y de respeto. Sin techo no solo de ladrillos, Descansa en paz, Barbara. Que la luz perpetua brille siempre para ti!” – Carmencita Q. | “I remember Barbara for the commitment she always showed when she was helping the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, with a meditation on the Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta, which goes like this ‘At the end of our lives we will not be asked for degrees or diplomas, or the money we have earned, or the great deeds we have done. We will not be judged by the few or many hungry people we have fed, or the naked people we have clothed, or the homeless people we have sheltered: Hungry not only for bread, but of love. Naked not just in clothes, but of dignity and respect. No roof, not just bricks, but to protect against any form of discrimination.’ Rest in peace, Barbara. May the perpetual light always shine for you!” –Carmencita Q. |
“She was a great Catholic lady. May she rest in God’s presence forever.” – Tony R.
“She was a mover and a shaker. When she saw a need she got it done.” – Helen H.
“She helped me through St. Vincent DePaul. I shared her living lesson in correlation to our faith’s lesson with my family. I note that she helped me and that, that in itself was Not why I appreciated her. She was a beacon! Miss you and know I got one up there!” – Abraham R.
“I’ve known you as far back as I can remember, you were my mom’s best friend, my second mom. You fed us delicious German pancakes and cut my hair using a bowl on my head as a guide. Our families shared so many good times together…and some tragedies. Thank you for those 3 unforgettable weeks in Rome, I love you, rest in peace xxx” – Janice M.
“She was also an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist, and faithfully went every Friday to the homes of many parishioners, and to those living at Valley House, bringing Our Lord to them all.” – Denise L.
“86 years, raising our children together in Larkspur, many weeks at the Russian River, celebrating our birthdays together as we were 3 days apart, on & on It goes. Having trouble believing she’s really gone as I talked to her recently!! Rest quietly, Barb, you’ve earned it!!” – Charlotte M.
“Where do I start? So many wonderful things that can be said about this wonderful woman who not only touched my life but the lives of pretty much anybody that walked in her path. Barbara was a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, mentor, counselor and an angel!
Barbara and my mom have been friends for a very long time. They were so close that I could be assured that every time I visited mom and mom was on the phone; I knew she was talking to Barbara. They talked to each other pretty much every day. Barbara checked on my mom and kept her up to date with all the news that were happening in the world and In her life. They talked news, family, health, church and, they would pray. Up to her the last moment of Barbara’s life, my mom was the last familiar face that Barbara saw before she went to see the Lord. I told my mom how blessed she was to be able to be there for her friend till the very end…. “till death do us part”.
Barbara was a prayer warrior and a charitable person. If Barbara prayed for you you could be assured that her prayers were heard. Her prayers were powerful!
As for me, I know that from the moment I walked into my mother’s life back in 92, Barbara made it a mission to not only take care of my soul but also my well being. Even to the very end of her life she made sure that my kids and I had everything we needed. Her resounding words of “ok honey take care and God bless” will always remind me of how sweet she was. My kids will also remember you Barbara. Every now and then they tell me that they miss Barbara and pray that Jesus will take good care of her. I tell them that they could be sure of that! Barbara served the Lord in this world and now she is enjoying her well deserved heavenly rewards in heaven!” – Yeny K.
“Barbara I will forever cherish the 17 years we shared at OLOP: Trips to March for Life in DC, visiting Fr. Mallo in Dallas, sharing tears over some poor soul’s predicament (including mine or my family), arguing over some of my meds and my stubborness towards homeopathic remedies (but give me credit for visiting that spiritualist you recommended who tried to heal me by extracting bad essences. . we both got a kick out of that)…. trying to get to your potluck dish in time to stir before it dried up or burnt (because you were always rushing to someone’s need), hearing your stories of family and friends and how fiercely you loved and appreciated them and prayed that ALL of our sufferings would be alleviated, your spontaneously pulling my hand into impromptu prayer, or just pulling my arm to stop me from walking away from you and so much more.
Forgive me if I was less than patient or as empathetic as you are, for the times I tried to fit your round convictions into my square box and THANK YOU for your example of perfect faith and devotion. Seeing you miraculously retreat from our loud demanding world into quiet solitude as you read daily scripture and prayers . . . was seeing God in action.
I missed you when you retired and took for granted that you weren’t far. . but I selfishly grieve for what can no longer be shared. . .until, God willing, we are granted a chance to work together in heaven. <3. Karen Ruiz (never really your boss…just hitched along for the ride).
“My condolences to Barbara’s family.
I met her more than 17 years ago, I remember on the first day I visited OLOP. I was received by Father Walter Mallo who introduced me to Barbara, and he said to me : I want you to meet a wonderful person and a Symbol of this church. I was so lucky to work for many years with her , she teach me many things, but especially to have a lot of faith always. She was a tireless worker, more than anyone, a great friend. Everyone in OLOP, in Santa Clara county and in St. Vincent de Paul they would never forget her. She was, She is and She will always be a fantastic and a wonderful person, and Excellent mother, a brilliant and passionate Catholic and a great friend. In short a great person that we will miss forever , she will always be in our hearts.
May God have her in glory and always enlighten us from heaven.” – Alex P.
“Just some notes to say thanks for her years of influence on IVE priests at Our Lady of Peace. Almost all of the priests that passed through Our Lady of Priests became like spiritual brothers, or spiritual children for her. She took care of us.
One interesting story is that she worked with the future Fr. Samuel Leonard, IVE when he was still a married laymen long before he joined the IVE religious order. He travelled to Our Lady of Peace for a Charismatic conference, maybe as a speaker. Barbara greeted him and showed him around introducing him to her long time prayer partner Linda Schubert. Later he welcomed Fr. Samuel back to Our Lady of Peace as a priest. He remembers her fondly in his retirement as an IVE priest in Ohio.
I got to know her and worked with her with marriage preparation as a Deacon then priest at Our Lady of Peace. Considered a go-to prayer warrior and often spoke to her about her work with St. Vincent de Paul. I came to realize over the years how much she influenced people outside of OLOP also. She apparently helped to start the mobile handicap outreach vans in the Bay area. She knew Gavin Newsom from years ago and scolded him when he came to promote abortion. She apparently worked with Fr. Fessio, S.J. in helping him to establish influence in the Bay area also.
The stories I heard was that all the “old school” Jesuits greatly respected her.
All the while she suffered through with her husband Gordon as he pursued another lifestyle, only coming back in some way to her in the last few years.
Since I left OLOP I kept in contact with her as a prayer warrior and last communicated with her a few months ago about a Divine Mercy painting outreach I was doing. Thanks for your prayers Barbara we got the money for the two large Divine Mercy images for our Church and they are here at St. Veronica’s now waiting to be framed.
One ministry that you missed, Barbara helped sometimes with visits to the homebound. She also took care of some of the health needs of priests by taking us to see doctors or hospital visits. ”
In Jesus through Mary,
Fr. Joseph LoJacono, IVE
at OLOP 2008-2011; 2014-2017
“I send my love and prayers in memory of Ms. Barbara Wilkinson. She and the Saint Vincent De’ Paul staff helped and assisted me and my family through trying times of almost becoming homeless to when my family and I was homeless and much more. I remember when I first laid eyes on her in that office of the Saint Vincent staff, I said, “She must be the mom of this all”. The way she sat in the circle of support and the way she spoke had let me know she was the lead each time I sat amongst the Saint Vincent staff. It’s a blessing to have been judged and prayed for from her. (and she never judged she just knew what she was called to do). Thank you so greatly Ms. Barbara.”
– Geneva W.
P.S.: Hello Charles Fitzgearl and the rest of Saint Vincent De’ Paul
“I was one of Barbara’s roommates, and I continually amazed at both her generosity and trust in God. By example, she encouraged me to put my whole life in God’s hands. We would pray about things together. The Holy Spirit really could move through her because she would always seek His will. There was a morning I was having a really rough day. I asked God to show me His Love for me. Then Barabara came home with a croissant sandwich and said “God told me to get this for you.” It was really impactful for me and made me cry. She loved Him and us very much. While I do miss her, I am blessed to have known her because of her kindness and example of faith.” – Jen N.
“Barbara and I met when I began volunteering with St. Vincent de Paul Society about nine years ago. Our friendship grew throughout the years. She was someone I could confide in. When she would see me her eyes would light up as well as mine. When I was with her, it seemed like I was the most important person in the world. She would always tell me she loved me.
I admired Barbara. I loved how she loved the Lord. She was a prayer warrior. She would tell me about all the excursions she had arranged years ago, and how she had held hands walking in the Vatican with John Paul II. She was an amazing woman and I will never forget her. May she rest in peace.” – Elia Morgan
“Barbara never met a stranger. She befriended everyone she encountered. Barbara and I went to the same gym and she heard I was looking for a room to rent so she approached me. She introduced herself as the “Church Uber Driver.” My home and children were in AZ but I was working in CA after a promotion/transfer. One of the first nights staying with her, I came in the door after work and she had dinner ready and a glass of wine poured for us both. As we were sitting there together, I realized that I wasn’t used to having someone take care of me. I was used to being the caregiver. (Me and my 11 siblings lost our Mother at a relatively young age.) Barbara’s home instantly felt like home to me – it was a feeling I didn’t even know I had been missing for almost 30 years. I stayed with her for a year and grew to love her dearly. She was kind, determined, steadfast in her faith, had a great sense of humor, and her family meant absolutely everything to her. I am heartbroken and will miss her very much. The world was a better place with her in it but, more than anyone else I have ever known, Barbara has already earned her wings. I love you, Barbara!” – Marianne C. of Gilbert, AZ
“Rest In Peace, Barbara. You were a wonderful lady and always helping others. I remember the time when you picked me up to visit our friend, Betty on her death bed and we prayed for her. I pray you’re in heaven and Betty at your side. What a beautiful thought! God bless you.” – Rose P.
“We were so delighted to meet Barbara in 2010 as we started planning for Rod’s and my Convalidation at Our Lady of Peace on April 30, 2011. She also helped me all through RCIA from August, 2010 until Easter Vigil in 2011, when I was welcomed into the church. Her love and support helped guide and steady me on the journey into the Catholic Church. She offered time to visit and talk whenever I had questions as well as shared about her journey of faith as well. Barbara carried her heavy life cross with grace and faith. Always a prayer warrior and encourager to all. She inspired me and I will miss her dearly. We wish her eternal peace and rest in Christ our Lord. Love, Rod & Shannon G.”
“Barbara, I want to thank you for your opening your home in Burlingame and allowing the entire neighborhood of you children’s friends to “Hang Out” and listen to music. You were always kind and open to everyone. You opened your home when Paul had trouble with his parents and provided a roof over his head. You supported Paul and Kay,s relationship and Marriage. You raised 4 great children and dealt with intense tragedy when you lost one at a young age. You will now be with him again in heaven. Thank you for always being open and Smiling and having a positive attitude. I always like interacting with you.” – Dave G.
“There are so many stories of Barbara’s generosity and prayerfulness that I could share with you all. She asked in prayer and received immediately. She never let the grass grow under her feet when it came to prayer. Whenever I had a problem, she would listen, sometimes only half way, and then say let’s pray now. She would grab my hands or shoulders and pray with me right there. Barabara opened her home to me on weekdays when I was commuting, and she made it easy for me to continue to work at OLOP. But the time I am most grateful for was when one of my students and his parents were outside the office, and the young man was going through a personal difficulty. She grabbed him and hugged him and held on to him. My student said, there is my teacher! Barbara called me over and my student hugged me. Outside of this, Barbara gave them special care and attention. From then on my student and his family would be at the Church and attend daily Mass. Barbara’s absence I am sure will be felt at Our Lady of Peace, but just think of how much good she will be able to do from Heaven. May she rest in the peace and love of the Holy Trinity.” – Margaret S.